= Order Form =



又、CD-Rは別途送料がかかります [1〜2枚 = \200 / 3〜5枚 = \300 / 6枚以上 = \0] 。予めご了承下さい。データ販売につきましてはご入金確認後にダウンロード先URLをご連絡致します。


When purchasing from overseas, copy the order form below and enter the required items, then enter "CD-R order" when purchasing a CD-R and "WAV order" when purchasing wav data. Please contact

I will contact you with my PayPal account information after confirming your order. And I will ship the CD-R or contact you with the data download URL after confirming payment. Depending on the time of year, the arrival of the CD-R may be delayed, but in that case I contact you in advance.

In addition, the shipping fee varies depending on the country or region, so I will inform you of the amount separately.

*Only English is available for purchases from overseas.
*If you receive an email with shipping fee information or payment information, please reply or make payment as soon as possible. Please note that if I don't receive a reply within one week, your order will be cancelled.


郵便番号/Postal code:(データ購入の場合は不要/Not required for wav data purchase)

住所/Adress:(データ購入の場合は不要/Not required for wav data purchase)

(購入希望商品の枚数を入力/Enter the number of items you want to purchase)

WATCHMAN + THE SLEEPWALK "Terra" (1000yen):

WATCHMAN "Snowshift" (1000yen):

WATCHMAN "3-Way Future" (1000yen):

WATCHMAN "Earthwalk" (1200yen):

WATCHMAN "Music for Inside" (1200yen):

WATCHMAN "Invisible Musique =α=" (1000yen):

WATCHMAN "Invisible Musique =β=" (1000yen):

THE SLEEPWALK"Phantasmagoria I" (1000yen):

THE SLEEPWALK"Phantasmagoria II" (1000yen):

THE SLEEPWALK"Phantasmagoria III" (1000yen):

THE SLEEPWALK "The Forest of Foss Darya
〜フォス・ダーリャの森〜" (1300yen):

THE SLEEPWALK "Upon A Brown 〜エルフの死〜" (1300yen):

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